Despite all my studying, reading, and practicing teaching in the last five years, I managed to make it through my education degree having given very little thought to myself as a science teacher. If anything, I was more excited about how to use science cross-curricularly by having students write in a science journal. At the beginning of this term, I knew that I wanted to challenge students intellectually and enrich their learning through hands-on activities in science instruction. Unfortunately, upon self-reflection I realized that I had no idea how to implement this idea. Through many conversations, articles, and even hands-on activities, I now have a much stronger opinion on science instruction. I know that these newer ideas will change too, as they should, but now I have somewhere to start.
Science is not just a set of information that needs to be acquired. Science itself is discovering. Understanding. Thus, more science classrooms are being centered on “inquiry.” Inquiry can be most concisely defined as “investigation.” Just as science is not facts and equations, inquiry is not one activity. Inquiry is a process. I have come to learn that if I want to challenge students cognitively, I need to walk them through this learning, inquiring process, and eventually they will be able to do it on their own. This is the end goal, as schools strive to teach children to think, not just to regurgitate.
In my science classroom, I will first establish what my students already know, because they know a lot! I cannot give them knew information (and they cannot discover and internalize it for themselves) until they have confronted any misconceptions they may have and torn them down. Since students will loyally nod their heads as a teacher explains a new concept that contradicts their own understanding, teachers may never know the misunderstandings that are lying beneath the surface. Until these are addressed, it is just like building a beautiful structure on top of a cracked or uneven foundation. The building may last for a few years, but eventually it will crack and crumble due to the integrity of the foundation. In the famous sweater experiment, one teacher spent days letting her students try to prove that sweaters and hats create heat to keep children warm (Watson & Konicek, 1990). Students were so convinced that winter clothing created heat that they invented endless trials to prove their theory. Over and over again they rationalized the failed results (the temperature of the bundled up thermometer did not increase) to support their own theories. It was difficult, but the teacher let them continue to experience disequilibrium. Piaget proposed the term disequilibrium to explain the event “when a child’s conception of a thing or event is no longer adequate and the child seeks to establish a balance through” new learning (Peters, 2002). Finally, students were ready for new learning. The teacher offered a new theory that “warm” clothes are trapping body heat, and most of the students were ready to abandon their preconceptions. However, this brings up the question, when is it appropriate to move on? I want to differentiate instruction for all the learners in my science class, but we will not always be able to wait for 100% of the students to understand fully. The teacher in the sweater experiment decided to move on to the actual lessons about heat, hoping that the two boys still sticking to the “hot hat” theory would gain understanding with further instruction. I, also, will have to move forward with the majority of the class, but I will still pay special attention to my students who are struggling. They may receive extra help and I will have different expectations for them. Accomplished learning is not the same for all students. In the same way, it will take extra work to challenge my highest achieving students. They could have excellent grades but not be learning anything new. It takes time and energy, but I want to tweak assignments and activities to challenge these students as well. Maybe they can be given less information to start with, making it a puzzle, or maybe when they have finished an experiment, I can challenge them to think of other materials to try, variables to test, or just ways to change up their experiment.
Although addressing misconceptions are an important first step in inquiry-based science instruction, there are still lessons and activities to lead! In “Shifting from Activitymania to Inquiry” Moscovici and Nelson explain that pre-packaged science activities
“can be engaging for students and easy for the teacher. The outcome is usually defined and most students are successful in achieving the expected results. [Their] concern is that conceptual understanding and scientific literacy are not facilitated with this practice. Students follow procedures, usually without questioning the reasons for their actions” (Moscovic & Nelson, 1998).
Inquiry, on the other hand, is all about the questions. Together students and teacher develop a question or questions to answer. It may look like activities to an outsider, but the teacher is actually guiding students to create evidence to support their claim or answer their question. Students are not just doing activities to see something “cool” happen; they are actively working together to observe what is happening and ask why. Based on evidence collected in the classroom or in research, students can then make explanations based on what they see. Learning the difference between observations and inferences, and learning to explain inferences is very hard for many students, but will help them to not only think critically but metacognitively. Many sciences lessons or units would end here, but it is so important for students to complete the last two steps of inquiry. Questioning, finding evidence, and creating explanations are great, but students need to know that their own findings may not have been completely accurate. As scientists, they must compare what they learned or proposed with other classmates, schools, or professional scientists. Only then can they communicate what they have learned to peers, adults, or just in their science journal. Through this process students learn that scientific discoveries are based on hard evidence and collaboration.
At the end of the term, I had the opportunity of team teaching a science lesson in a local Kindergarten classroom. Applying all my visions of inquiry was both eye-opening and relieving. We received a pre-packaged lesson on teaching Kindergarteners to weave. It was very detailed, and certainly engaging for the students, but did not stress any key science concepts. There was questioning, observation, and comparison going on, but we wanted to make it better. As a team we shifted the focus from activity to inquiry. Students eagerly learned to weave and then experimented with weaving various materials, observing their qualities, and testing the strength and functionality. They still had a great time, but they also hit 4 out of 5 steps of the inquiry process. This was eye-opening to me because I learned that science does not always look a certain way. Sometimes it looks like art, and sometimes it looks like chemistry. I was also relieved because adjusting a lesson to be more inquiry-oriented was not as hard as I thought it would be. At the beginning of the semester I would have told you that teachers who “did inquiry” were lofty, creative, flexible super teachers (and a little flakey). I like structure and planning, and I was afraid that inquiry would remove all that control. When inquiry is student-led, the teacher does relinquish some control, but I was relieved to see that inquiry could still be accomplished through a more teacher-guided lesson. As I grow as a teacher and as my future students gain responsibility and self-efficacy, we will try more student-led discovery, but I am comforted to know that inquiry is not an “all or nothing” idea. Any amount of discovery-based science is better than drilling facts and equations.
I have not changed my original vision for science much but I have certainly filled in the gaps. I have been able to put a name to my style of teaching – social constructivism. For science instruction, one of the major ideas is that “children construct understanding in science by actively engaging with phenomena. …Students ask and refine questions related to phenomena, they predict and explain phenomena, and they mindfully interact with concrete materials. Active engagement, then, is both mental and physical” (Krajcik, 1999). I now know how to articulate how I want to teach science, a little practice teaching it, and plenty of time to grow as a teacher and create science experiences that are more inquiry-based and more student-oriented.
- Krajcik, J. S., Czerniak, C., & Berger, C. (1999). Teaching children science, a project-based approach. McGraw-Hill College.
- Moscovici, H., & Nelson, T. H. (1998). Shifting from activitymania to inquiry. Science and Children, (January).
- Peters, J. M., & Gega, P. C. (2002). Science in elementary education. Prentice Hall
- Watson, B., & Konicek, R. (1990). Teaching for conceptual change: Confronting chidlren's experience. Phi Delta Kappan, (May).