Kirsten has a battery and a small bulb. She wonders how many strips of wire she will need to connect the battery and the bulb so that the bulb will light. What is the smallest number of wire strips Kirsten needs to make the bulb light up?
A. One strip of wire.
Explain your thinking about how to light the bulb.
Battery-> wire -> spirally part of bulb -> bump on bottom of bulb -> battery
I can't remember which side +/- it needs to go on.
Physical Science
Content Standard B: Light, Heat, Electricity, & Magnetism
Benchmark: Electrical circuits require a complete loop through which an electrical current can pass.
Yellow Lab "Explore Together"
Very teacher directed
Detailed outline of procedure.
DOes not provide or ask for an explanation.
Students can be successful, no frustration.
Pink Lab "Explore Independently"
May not successfully discover 3 types of circuits.
Q: See if you can light the bulb. A: Students might say, No, I can't.
Teacher provides engaging Question.
Students explore on their own.
Students experience disequilibrium with any misconceptions.
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